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Type of Business –Please choose an option–Sole traderPartnershipLimited Liability PartnershipLimited CompanyUnlimited CompanyCharityCommunity Interest CompanyIndustrial and Provident Society (IPS)
Size of company (By Employees) –Please choose an option–Microentreprises: 1 to 10 employeesSmall enterprises: 11 to 49 employeesMedium-sized enterprises: 50 to 249 employeesLarge enterprises: 250 employees or more
Industry/ Sector –Please choose an option–AccommodationAdministrative and Support Service ActivitiesAgriculture, Forestry and FishingArts, Entertainment and RecreationCatering, Food Service ActivitiesColdstoreConstructionEducationElectricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning SupplyEngineeringFinancial and Insurance ActivitiesHospitality, Healthcare, Social Work ActivitiesInformation and CommunicationManufacturingMining and QuarryingPainting & DecoratingProfessional, Scientific and Technical ActivitiesReal Estate ActivitiesSecurityTransportation and StorageWater Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation ActivitiesWeldingWholesale and Retail TradeOther Service Activities